TOP TEN YTD for our Court of Sales

Each month I will be posting our TOP TEN YTD for our Court of Sales!  This is based on the RETAIL VALUE of products ordered and includes bonus products and PCP premiums! Because of the TWICE AS NICE promo the company did in June, all June orders also counted for the 2011 Seminar Year!

July 2010 – June 2011
(as of 7/31/10)


  1. Diane Cox – $3,074.50
  2. Shelley Ritter – $2,098.50
  3. Rebecca Wilson – $1,501.50
  4. Vicki Brake – $1,470.50
  5. Linda Stephens – $1,450.00
  6. Stephanie Brackett – $1,397.00
  7. Christina Kendrick – $1,338.00
  8. Laura Wright – $1,014.00
  9. Abigail Rian – $819.50
  10. Gail Peel – $400.00

TOP TEN YTD Sharing:

  1. None yet!  You’re name could be here next month