Category: Mary Kay
Happy Birthday Tessa Kosegi
A Very Happy Birthday to Consultant Tessa Kosegi!
Candice Wehmeier just earned her bracelet!
I had a Grand Day
I had a $103.00 day!
Happy MK Annivesary Eric Brackett
Happy MK Anniversary Eric Brackett! One year ago today! Eric joined my personal team and became the first male member of our unit! We’re so happy to have you Eric!
Top 10 Reasons to Come to Seminar
If for some reason you haven’t registered for Seminar 2011, what are you waiting for? Registration ends July 4! Don’t miss it … it’s the experience of a lifetime! Here are your top 10 reasons to join us at Seminar. Drum roll, please … 10. It’s the entire Mary Kay experience wrapped up in a bow!
9. The chance to preview the next quarter’s products at the Expo.
8. An awesome product giveaway worth the price of your registration!
7. Incredible speeches from independent sales force leaders – many of whom have overcome tremendous obstacles to get where they are today.
6. Recognition, recognition, recognition!
5. A full schedule of classes tailored for your career status.
4. The parties – especially Awards Night!
3. Fabulous entertainment from the Friends of Tyme – it’s like being at the Academy Awards!
2. The sisterhood. Feel the love! And the No. 1 reason to go to Seminar:
1. Who doesn’t love Dallas in the summer? (Wait – don’t answer that.)
Mascara Placemat
Here is a great tool that shows all our Mascara! Mascaraplacemat