Greenwood Freedom Festival Winners!
I started calling my winners from the Greenwood Freedom Festival last night! Deven Moore was our $50 winner!!! Congratulations Deven!!!!
Greenwood Freedom Festival
Special thanks to:
Christina Kendrick
Barb Dyer
Carole Shaw
Tena Meek
Diane Cox
Joe Sacher
For making the Mary Kay booth at the Greenwood Freedom Festival a success!!
Greenwood Freedom Festival
Come see us at the Greenwood Freedom Festival today July 26th! We’ll be in the Mary Kay booth from 9:00 to 4:00!
Welcome New Consultant Eric Brackett
A very special welcome to Eric Brackett! I met his wife Stephanie on Monday at a double facial with her friend Alisha Ferguson! Eric and Stephanie came by the open house at our meeting tonight and signed up! I’m so excited to have you on our team!!
Welcome New Consultant Caitlin Hicks
A very special welcome to Caitlin Hicks! Caitlin signed her agreement today! Caitlin met her recruiter Shelley Ritter because her roommate Adrianne Brown visited the Mary Kay booth during the Woman’s Expo at the Castleton Square Mall!
Welcome Caitlin!
We are excited to have you on our team!
Congratulations to New Senior Consultant Shelley Ritter!
Shelley signed her first team member today Caitlin Hicks! Shelley met her new team member while working the Mary Kay booth during the Woman’s Expo in the Castleton Square Mall!
Congatulations Shelley!!!
Funny from Joe
Thought you would like this! My husband Joe found it and I thought I would share! 🙂
Happy Birthday Shelley
Happy birthday to Shelley Ritter!
I love referrals!
I got a call yesterday from a lady who lives about a mile away from me! Someone gave her my card at her church! She had been trying to find a consultant for awhile but no one ever called her back. I’m sad to hear that she had so much trouble finding a consultant, but glad she found me!