Category: Mary Kay
Happy Birthday Anna Maya Soto
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Anna Maya Soto
Happy Birthday to you!
Welcome New Consultant Heather Shafer
Welcome HEATHER SHAFER! Heather is the first team member of new Senior Consultant STEPHANIE BRACKETT!
Congratulations to New Senior Consultant Stephanie Brackett
Congratulations to New Senior Consultant STEPHANIE BRACKETT! Stephanie signed up her first team member today! Way to Go Stephanie!
Your Customers Are Loyal – And Here’s Proof!
Here’s some news that will make your day: Independent research firm Brand Keys just published the official results of its 2011 Customer Loyalty Engagement Index, which examines customers’ relationships with 528 brands across 79 categories. Mary Kay ranks #1 in consumer loyalty both in the Cosmetics and Facial Moisturizer categories! And there’s more: Mary Kay ranks #6 in Brand Keys’ “Brands That Delight”, a list of the top performers across all industries that are “knocking the ball out of the park when it comes to customer engagement and loyalty,” as a Feb. 7 article published by online news service Marketing Daily states. Just look at the kind of company Mary Kay is keeping:
- Netflix
- Apple
- Walgreens
- Discover
- Hyundai
- Mary Kay
- McDonald’s
- J. Crew
- Samsung
- Nikon
You can look forward to receiving an e-mail soon with more detail and perspective on the results of this study. In the meantime, feel free to share this information proudly with your customers – and congratulations! The relationships you nurture with each of your customers, and the Golden Rule service you provide them, are huge contributors to this prestigious recognition!
Happy Birthday Kaeti Essig
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Kaeti Essig
Happy Birthday to you!
Update: Independent Beauty Consultant Agreements
In March 2010, we made several changes to the Independent Beauty Consultant Agreement, including the addition of the Mineral Powder Foundation bundles to the Starter Kit. We continue to receive through the mail many hard-copy older versions of the Independent Beauty Consultant Agreement, and those older versions of the Agreement sometimes do not include a handwritten choice of foundation bundle. In those cases, the Company automatically ships the new Independent Beauty Consultant the default Mineral Powder Foundation bundle variety pack. In order to better meet the needs of new Independent Beauty Consultants, effective May 1, 2011, we will no longer accept any hard-copy Independent Beauty Consultant Agreements older than the March 2010 version. Starting May 1, Customer Service representatives will be unable to process Independent Beauty Consultant Agreements older than the March 2010 form. If they do receive an older version of the Agreement, they will contact the recruiter or Independent Sales Director to request a new, updated Independent Beauty Consultant Agreement. (If you’re not sure which hard-copy version of the Agreement you have on hand, check the upper left-hand corner of Page 1 or the bottom right-hand corner of the last page of the Agreement.) Note: The March 2011 hard-copy-version of the Beauty Consultant Agreement will now be on legal-size paper due to the addition of the new TimeWise® Liquid foundation bundles as a Starter Kit choice.The online version of the Independent Beauty Consultant Agreement is updated instantly whenever a change takes place. We encourage you to take advantage of this great tool whenever possible. It can save you time and help your new Independent Beauty Consultant get off to a faster start with Mary Kay!
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Beauty Blotters® Updates
As you know, the price for Mary Kay® Beauty Blotters® Oil-Absorbing Tissues will increase to $6 from $5 effective March 16, 2010, because the product is being repackaged to reflect the new coated paperboard pop carton which supports Mary Kay’s Pink Doing Green® campaign. The new part number is 041758. Please note that you may start to see the updated packaging for Beauty Blotters® as early as mid to late February because we’ve sold through our existing inventory featuring our former Mary Kay packaging. However, the price increase will not take effect until March 16.
Foundation Finder Gets Your Customers Buzzing!
With the launch of the new TimeWise® Liquid Foundations to your customers today, you’ll want to take full advantage of the Foundation Finder Online Quiz, a tool that helps your customers find the perfect formula for their skin types. And that’s just the beginning. Best of all, not only does the Foundation Finder introduce your customers to these fabulous new foundations, it gives you a great opportunity to follow up with them for a personal appointment. It’s a beautiful blend of technology and personalized service!How do you get started? Easy. You can send a Mary Kay® Personal Beauty Profiler MKeCard® to your skin care customers to direct them to your Mary Kay® Personal Web Site to take the quiz and find the right formula. Then book appointments with each of your customers so you can show them flawless foundation application techniques and all of the products they need for complexion perfection, like the new Mary Kay® Foundation Primer, matching concealer and foundation brush!
And by the way, if you were a Create-A-Look fan, you’ve got to check out the Mary Kay® Personal Beauty Profiler. This tool offers more comprehensive solutions to your customers’ beauty challenges, giving them skin care, color and fragrance recommendations, and ties into myCustomers®, making follow-up appointments and record-keeping a breeze. Check it out!
Mary Kay Celebrates International Women’s Day by Giving!
Mary Kay celebrates the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day with a Global Month of Service. Independent sales force members and Mary Kay employees are uniting in the goal of volunteering one million hours of community service around the world from Feb. 8 – Mar. 8, 2011!