What does it mean when you say…

Active – When you place a $225 WS order, you are considered Active for that month and the following 2 months.

DIQ – Director in Qualifications, we’re working to become our own unit!  We have 4 months to build to 24 active and get $18,000 ws in. We must do at least $4,000 ws Team Production each month of DIQ.

DIQ Qualified – Has placed $600 ws during DIQ.

Director – The leader of our group.  She is responsible for making sure you get trained.

Guest Event – An event held by a director or DIQ where we bring qualified guest to try our products.

Interview – This is where we share the career information about Mary Kay with someone who is not a consultant.

Meeting – This is where we get training, have fun, get recognized, and bring guest to try our products!

ProductionThis is the amount of WS orders that comes in during the month.

Qualified Guest – Someone who comes to a Meeting or Guest Event who is at least 18 and is your customer or potential customer.

Qualified Interview – She is 18 years or older, lives in the USA, uses or has tried MK, and not currently not a consultant.

Qualified New Consultant – A new consultant who’s first order is $600 ws or more and placed in the same month she joins or the month following.

Retail – This is the amount we sale our products for.  50% over the price we paid.

Team – You build a team by recruiting people to be consultants for Mary Kay.

Unit – Our group of consultants.

Weekly Accomplishment Sheet – This is used to track our efforts for prizes and recognition.  Can be used for Taxes!  You should do this every Sunday night for recognition!!!  Here is a how to video:

Wholesale – This is our discounted price we pay to Mary Kay.  Our discount is 50%!

WS – See Wholesale