Packaging Update: TimeWise Replenishing Serum + CTM

We’re making a change to TimeWise Replenishing Serum + CTM packaging that will give your customers six weeks for the price of four, making this customer favorite even easier to sell and re-promote!  

As you know, TimeWise Replenishing Serum + CTM traditionally has been packaged in four vials, each one with enough product to last one week if used as directed. In an effort to create even more value for your customers, the Company has decided to transition TimeWise Replenishing Serum + CTM from four vials to one with an increased amount of product in each bottle. As an added bonus, the reduction in packaging will produce less waste for the environment.


For the same suggested retail price of $55, your customers now will receive six weeks’ worth of product instead of four. Now there’s a great reason to contact your customers! Of course, we’ll continue to communicate the recommended daily usage for Replenishing Serum + C (three pumps per use) on this updated packaging, which will begin phasing in gradually in September. Easier on the environment, easier on the budget … what’s not to love?

Welcome Tessa Kasagi

Welcome to Mary Kay TESSA KASAGI!  Tessa joined my personal team today!  I met Tessa when her friend Neeli won a $20 Gift Certificate and a complementary facial from the Woman’s Expo!  Neeli invited Tessa to join her at her facial!

Correction: June 2011 Issue of The Look

Please note that the June 2011 edition of The Look contains an error. The Look incorrectly names Sweet Cream as one of the shades included in the new regular-line Mary Kay® Mineral Eye Color Bundle in Hypnotic Hazel (part no. 043864). The Hypnotic Hazel Mineral Eye Color Bundle contains the following three mineral eye color shades: Cinnabar, Hazelnut and Honey Spice; it does not include Sweet Cream. All online communications for the June 2011 quarter, such as the e-Catalog version of The Look, online Mary Kay® Mineral Eye Color Bundle flyer, online shopping pages and MKeCards® all contain the correct shade information for the Hypnotic Hazel Mineral Eye Color Bundle.  

We sincerely apologize for this error and any confusion it may cause you or your customers. Thank you for your understanding and support.